The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) is a not-for-profit, member-funded organisation advocating for the future of Australia's children.
We work on behalf of long day care owners and operators to ensure families and their children have an opportunity to access affordable, high quality early learning services throughout Australia.

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Latest MYEFO provides greater funding for Inclusion Support PLUS discounts for ECEC employees

Yesterday's Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) update included additional funding for the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector, which will ultimately provide positive outcomes for Australia's youngest  children.


The key MYEFO measures impacting the sector include:

  • $73.9 million to extend the Government’s Inclusion Support Program to ensure that more children with additional needs receive the support they need.

  • Support for gap fee discounts for early child care educators whose own children are in care and to attract new workers into the sector.

  • $287.9 million in fortnightly payments since August 2021 to support eligible child care services affected by COVID-19 lockdowns in Commonwealth declared hotspots.

"ACA has been in ongoing discussions with the Australian Government about these funding allocations, and we are pleased that our recommendations have been implemented.” ACA President Paul Mondo said.


"We would like to extend our gratitude to the Acting Minister for Education and Youth Stuart Robert and the Treasurer for their support in ensuring that all Australian children's individual needs are met when attending their local early learning service,” Mr Mondo said.


"We also commend the government for introducing incentives to work or remain working in the early learning sector. We welcome the opportunity for ECEC providers can choose to offer a discounted fee to employees with children enrolled at one of their services." 

“Addressing the critical shortage of qualified job candidates is a priority for ACA, and we continue to work closely with the Australian Government on behalf of our members and their families, to implement policies that attract jobseekers and maintain the workforce levels which enable our sector to operate ,” Mr Mondo said.


The workforce issue is a critical component in ensuring that all Australian children in the context of ensuring that every child in Australia has access to high quality, affordable and sustainable early learning services, and therefore the best start in life.