The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) is a not-for-profit, member-funded organisation advocating for the future of Australia's children.
We work on behalf of long day care owners and operators to ensure families and their children have an opportunity to access affordable, high quality early learning services throughout Australia.

In pertnership with Guild Insurance
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The new Child Care Subsidy package, which will include a new payment known as the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), is due to be fully implemented on 2 July this year.

The CCS will replace the Child Care Benefit (CCB) and the Child Care Rebate (CCR) and will be paid directly to early learning services on behalf of families.

As the changes surrounding this new package will affect more than 17,000 service providers across Australia and over 1.2 million families using early learning services, ACA aims to ensure that all of our members and their families understand what they need to do between now and July to ensure a successful transition to the new system.

This webpage has been set up to act as a central point for all of our educational resources for members, along with some of the Department of Education's key resources about the new Child Care Subsidy (CCS).

We encourage our members to use the resources below, and share relevant information with their families in the lead up to the introduction of the new Child Care Package in July 2018.

Early learning services may also wish to visit the Department of Education's online resources about the transition to the new CCS system here.