The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) is a not-for-profit, member-funded organisation advocating for the future of Australia's children.
We work on behalf of long day care owners and operators to ensure families and their children have an opportunity to access affordable, high quality early learning services throughout Australia.

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Day for Daniel

ACA is proud to support Australia’s largest child safety education and awareness day - Day For Daniel. Held annually on the last Friday of October, Day for Daniel endeavours to raise awareness of child safety, protection, and harm prevention, while honouring the memory of Daniel Morcombe.

We’re asking early learning services to participate in this event, which takes place this year on Friday 29th October.

Day for Daniel offers age-appropriate education for our children through child safety and protection initiatives to help empower children to ‘Recognise, React and Report’ if they feel something is not right.

We are encouraging early learning services to register (for free) and participate in Day for Daniel. Once registered, your early learning service will receive a welcome pack, to get you ready for Day for Daniel.  This pack includes your participation certificate, a poster, merchandise flyer and some information on how to get your service Red, Red, Ready.

We hope you and your families can get involved.

Click here to register. 


The Daniel Morcombe Foundation (the Foundation) was set up in 2005 by Bruce and Denise Morcombe following the disappearance of their son Daniel. Their aim is to educate, protect and support all children and young people, to ensure that they are safe from abuse and risk of harm.

The Foundation supports educators, parents and carers through the provision of age-appropriate resources and education.

Educators can access a suite of age-appropriate educational resources including lesson plans here.

Tathra Public School